Llamado a presentar propuestas> 198. Un/Making a Difference: The Possibilities of Extra-ordinary Acts of Mundane Resistance in Unequal and Uncertain worlds
to Oct 31

Llamado a presentar propuestas> 198. Un/Making a Difference: The Possibilities of Extra-ordinary Acts of Mundane Resistance in Unequal and Uncertain worlds

This open panel explores small and modest acts of resistance, ‘acts of citizenship’ (Isin and Nielson 2008) and enactments of ‘citizenship from below’ (Sheller 2014). These are socio-political methods, practices, performances and identities, made, claimed and negotiated on many scales, including sensory and embodied daily practice. Although small and mundane, such critical and creative acts, enactments and activist actions can make alternative presents and futures, unmaking and remaking good relations. We are seeking contributions that address ‘the deeper constitutive struggles over embodied freedoms and embodied constraints within unequal interpersonal and international relations’ that are ‘etched by everyday actions, scrubbed by washerwomen’s hands, dug into small plots of land, sewn into new fashions, danced to sacred rhythms honoring ancestral spirits’ (Sheller 2014, 23). How have collectives (of individuals, things, tech, plants and animals) attempted to change the world/s for the better? What kinds of alternate or unofficial ‘desire lines’ are created ‘where people deviate from the paths they are supposed to follow’ (Ahmed 2006, 570)? How do they ‘provide alternatives’ and ‘possible sources for the development of new kinds of practices, narratives about belonging to and participating in society’ (Holston 1995, 48). How do they invite us to consider how things ‘might have been otherwise’ (Bijker and Law 1992, 3)? We welcome individual and collective, inventive and speculative practice research and experimental multi-format presentations on extra-ordinary acts of mundane resistance now, historically or in experiential futures (not limited to spoken word) using audio-visual, objects, bodies, material and performance. 

Contact: k.jungnickel@gold.ac.uk

Keywords: resistance, citizenship, practice, making, sensory

Kat Jungnickel, Goldsmiths, University of London; Åsa Ståhl, Department of Design, Linnaeus University; kristina lindström, Malmö University; Laura Forlano, Illinois Institute of Technology; Eliana Sanchez-Aldana, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia; Carl DiSalvo, Georgia Institute of Technology

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Challenging the Patriarchy through Forms of Communication

Challenging the Patriarchy through Forms of Communication

Building upon the (re)discovery of the Nüshu script written exclusively by women in ancient China, this webinar illuminates how women use different forms of communication to resist dominant patriarchal norms. By engaging experts from different disciplines, we will explore different ways that women ‘speak’ their truths. What can we learn about the ways women have experienced ‘language’ in body art, textiles, fiction, management, and dance that enables them to challenge, and change, the patriarchy? With this webinar, we offer space for participants to strategize about how they can use the ideas presented to challenge patriarchy in their own lives.

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